
This is a small selection of our fragrances, Of course, we undertake also to create other scents for your needs directly in our laboratory.

Nature and trädofter

Scent nr. A3. In komposition av Iris- Incense- Sandalwood- Ros- and Cedarwood Oil
Scent nr. 30. A composition comprising Jasmin, Mandarin, Ylang-Ylang, Rosenträ, Sandalwood, Coriander, This doftcoctail provides a harmonious and afroditisk exotic feel
Scent nr. 29. A blend that gives a feeling of a chilly fresh morning
Scent nr. 33. A flowery summery scent that may remind you of a picnic in the open
Scent nr. 38. A composition which provides a breeze of a quiet summer
Scent nr. 56. A composition that gives a feeling of an underwater world with the scent of algae and seawater
Scent nr. 72. A scent of pure genuine Cedarwood Oil
Scent nr. 119. A smell of sawdust that give känlan of nykapat timber
Scent nr. 120. A scent of meadow Early morning
Scent nr. 121. Patchouliolja
Scent nr. 127. Birch sap Oil
Scent nr. 128. Rosenträolja

Food and beverage scents

Scent nr. A2. A composition of carrots, Orange, basilica, lemon and celery oil A hälsococtail frequently used in aromatherapy it is good for the body
Scent nr. A6. A composition of Pepper-Grapefruit-Dragon Fennel Oil fragrance helps to disrupt fat cells whilst acting relaxants
Scent nr. 11. Kaffedoft, it raises coffee cravings with you
Scent nr. 12. Coladoft
Scent nr. 37. Sockerkaksdoft it makes you think back to the mother's freshly baked cake
Scent nr. 47. Apple cake
Scent nr. 55. Cappuccino with cocoa on top
Scent nr. 57. Kakaodoft

Flower and plant odors

Scent nr. 2. A combination of Orange, Ylang-Ylang and Rose underlines the elegance and warm tones
Scent nr. 7. Ylang-Ylang
Scent nr. 10. lavender
Scent nr. 15. Orchid
Scent nr. 33. A floral-summery scent that gives the feeling of a picnic in the open
Scent nr. 21. This fragrance is like a garden full of roses it provides a stylish atmosphere
Scent nr. 42. This fragrance gives the feeling of daffodils and other spring flowers
Scent nr. 71. This scent is made up of a large bouquet of white lilies

Wellbeing Fragrances

Scent nr. 1. A composition of orange-lavender enriching for body and soul
Scent nr. 2. A combination of Orange, Ylang-Ylang and Rose underlines the elegance and warm tones
Scent nr. 3. A composition of grapefruit-lemongrass scent that energizes and enhances creativity
Scent nr. A1. A composition of Lime, Lemon, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Basilica, Ginger, Mate and Cardamom Oils this composition is often used in aromatherapy as it is energizing and stimulating
Scent nr. A2. A composition of Carrots-Orange-Basil-Lemon-Celery oil. A hälsococtail as
often used in aromatherapy, it is good for the body
Scent nr. A3. A composition of Iris Incense-Sandalwood-Ros Cedarwood Oil
Scent nr. A6. A combination of Pepper-Grapefruit-Fennel-Dragon Oil, fragrance helps to break up the fat cells, whilst acting relaxants
Scent nr. 19. Mint oil it promotes breathability for colds and strengthens the power of concentration
Scent nr. 30. Queue position consisting of Jasmin, Mandarin, Ylang-Ylang, Rosenträ, Sandalwood ochKoriander. This doftcoctail provides a harmonious and afroditisk exotic feel
Scent nr. 34. In komposition av Rosenträ-Ylang-Ylang
Scent nr. 45. A composition of Sandalwood-Romarin
Scent nr. 48. A combination of Pepper-cardamom-Thyme
Scent nr. 58. A composition of Eucalyptus Orange a fresh and fruity composition
Scent nr. 75. A composition of vanilla-orange gives a warming sensation, very suitable in winter
Scent nr. 86. A combination of Blood Orange-Mint it gives a special feeling of winter
Scent nr. 148. A composition with the scent of Mediterranean

Fantasy Perfume

Scent nr. 29. A blend that gives a feeling of a chilly fresh morning
Scent nr. 33. A flowery summery scent that may remind you of a picnic in the open
Scent nr. 38. A composition which provides a breeze of a quiet summer
Scent nr. 40. A composition that conveys the feeling of high summer and the holiday
Scent nr. 41. A composition of coconut oil that gives the feeling of beach and sun


Scent nr. A1. A composition of Lime- Lemon- Mandarin- Grapefruit- Basilica- Ginger- Mate- Cardamom Oils and this composition is often used in aromatherapy as it is energizing and stimulating
Scent nr. A6. A composition of Pepper-Grapefruit-Fennel-Dragon fragrance helps to disrupt fat cells whilst acting relaxants
Scent nr. 19. Mint oil it promotes breathability for colds and strengthens the power of concentration
Scent nr. 20. Peppermint oil
Scent nr. 22. Krusmyntaolja
Scent nr. 48. A special composition is hot and spicy
Scent nr. 135. Pepper Oil
Scent nr. 138. A combination of fennel-pepper oils
Scent nr. 741-005. Mejramolja
Scent nr. 744-840. Kanelolja

Seasonal Scents

Scent nr. 27. Christmas Market Scent with notes of mulled-candied apples
Scent nr. 33. A flowery summery scent that is reminiscent of a picnic in the countryside
Scent nr. 40. A composition that conveys the feeling of high summer and the holiday
Scent nr. 41. A composition with coconut oil that provides känlan of beach and sun
Scent nr. 86. This composition consists of Blood Orange-Mint it gives a special feeling of cold alternating warm winter air

Fruit Scents

Scent nr. 1. A combination of Orange Lavender, enrichment for body and soul
Scent nr. 3. A combination of Grapefruit, Lemongrass, a fragrance that energizes and enhances creativity
Scent nr. 5. Grapefruit vitality in its purest form
Scent nr.8. A composition with the scent of Grannysmith
Scent nr.14. Strawberry
Scent nr. 18. Lime increases koncentationen and refreshing for the mind
Scent nr. 44. A combination of water-honeydew, providing a stimulating feeling summery atmosphere
Scent nr. 75. A combination of Vanilla-Orange, gives a warming sensation is very suitable in winter

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